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Utility Locating –

Concrete Imaging has the ability to locate buried piping several ways, passively, induction and direct line trace. With the use of our GatorCam for real-time pipe inspection, we can “get on the pipe, around the pipe and in the pipe”  if we can access it.

We have several tools we can use, our utility locating is done with the RD7000 system from Radiodetection. The system has a multi-function Passive locating function where we can locate the electrical fields generated from buried electrical conduits. We can then give you the location, direction and approximate depth of the pipe with this equipment.

If we have access to the pipe and it is metal, using a transmitter, we can directly connect to the pipe and introduce a signal onto it which we sync our locator to and we can trace the pipe, give you the depth and direction. If we cannot connect to a metal pipe, but do know an approximate location of it, we can set the transmitter to the Induction mode and try to introduce a signal onto the pipe, which our locators can pick up.

We are now outfitting our GPR crews with the CAT4 Utility Avoidance Tool as we are finding some projects have embedded conduits, on slab on grade projects, which contain CAT5 data cables. The signatures from these are not the normal 60 hertz we look for and we needed something to work in concert with our HDGPR’s which have the LineTrac module installed. The Radiodetection CAT4 does the job.